Welcome to the most magical evenings of the summer. 3 days of great acts, nice food & beverages, art, activities & experiences. See you at Rosendal Garden Party on 14-16 June.

For press accreditation, please register here. Please fill out the form as accurate as possible. Questions? Contact us at press@fkpscorpio.se.

We have four different types of passes, please state what kind of pass you need in your application:

Press pass:
If you’re a working journalist, and don’t need to bring camera or sound recording equipment.
Photo pass: If you will bring a professional camera for still photo.
Video pass: If you will be capturing video content. 
Radio pass: If you will be doing any sound recording at the event.

This accreditation is only for press, are you a colleague within the music business who wants to apply for an accreditation? Head here!

Last day to apply is 10 June.

Register now